The SSH Training Discovery Toolkit provides an inventory of training materials relevant for the Social Sciences and Humanities.

Use the search bar to discover materials or browse through the collections. The filters will help you identify your area of interest.



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CORBEL and EOSC-Life joint webinar series

CORBEL and EOSC-Life joint webinar series: Engaging with your community through events and training. The CORBEL webinar series aims to address challenges and share best practice between biological and medical research infrastructures.EOSC-Life will be offering a variety of trainings for the benefit of our project participants, as well as the research community as a whole.

ODI: open data institute

ODI offers courses, webinars and talks for those who are beginning to teach others about open data.

Belmont Forum e-Infrastructures & Data Management Toolkit

This repository contains resources (links to training, policies, best practices, and other information) that enable Belmont Forum researchers to meet the Data Management expectations described in the Data and Digital Objects Management Plan, as well as a step-by-step guide to completing the DDOMP at the stages of pre-proposal, full proposal, and awarded projects. "Toolkit Training" video tutorials are available on YouTube for information about the material featured here and the structure of the site.

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Erasmus University Rotterdam is a highly ranked, international research university, based in the dynamic and diverse city of Rotterdam.

Education and Research

Founded in 1913, it is currently one the biggest universities of the Netherlands with a student population of 29,000 and a research community of circa 1,400. Scholars and students in seven faculties and two institutions work on global social challenges in the areas of:

  • health,
  • wealth
  • governance
  • culture.

As part of a large global network of academic partnerships, in strategic alliance with Leiden University and Delft University of Technology and in a unique collaboration with city and port, the dynamic city of Rotterdam serves as our laboratory.

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ODI Webinars and Courses

A variety of courses and webinars available upon registration. Some of them are free of charge. Main topics include: Data and responsibility, big data, data for business analytics, data in the public sector, data ecosystem mapping, sharing data, data skills, applying machine learning and AI techniques to data, data ethics

ODI Train the Trainer programme

Trainer programme aims to enable you to become an ODI Registered Trainer. In doing so, you will learn to develop an understanding of open data principles and learn to create, deliver and evaluate high quality interactive training.
Ideal for those who are beginning to teach others about open data or those who have been doing it for sometime, the course will help you build your training skills and develop the way you teach open data in your specialist area.

Belmont Forum Data Management Plan Scorecard

This document is a resource developed for the Belmont Forum for evaluating formal Data Management Plans submitted by research teams who've been awarded Collaborative Research Action funding. The purpose and use of this Scorecard is three-fold: as an evaluation tool to quantitatively assess full proposal DMP responses to questions drawn from the Data and Digital Outputs Management Plan (DDOMP) template that are included in the Belmont Forum grant application process on; as a training resource to be shared with potential proposers to help define expectations for data management and/or with awardees (i.e., post-award) to identify specific elements of their data management planning efforts that may be unclear or lacking; and/or as an evaluation tool employed by the Secretariat or TPOs to access milestones and progress during mid- or end-term project review/valorization.

"Toolkit Training" video tutorials

The video tutorials introduce basic topics on Data Management. Belmont Forum research teams can find training material that is appropriate for their project needs, as well as resources to improve efficiency, sustainability, and accessibility of data management.

How to FAIR: a Danish website to guide researchers on making research data more FAIR

A website from the Danish National Forum for Research Data Management. Concept of research data management. Three fundamental concepts: the FAIR principles, FAIR data, and FAIRification practices. Presentation of FAIRification practices for research data, i.e. documentation, file formats, metadata, access to data, persistent identifiers, and data licences. To aid other research supporters and research data managers, the authors have copied over the entire content of their e-Learning website: to Zenodo record. Transcripts of all videos, and the text on each page and sub-page are available on Zenodo in the DOCX file for use in trainers own teaching materials. A copy of all images on the website, as well as alternate versions and file formats, are available in the ZIP file.

Dilemma Game

Like in any profession, scientists are frequently faced with dilemmas: Can I exclude particular observations from my research? Can I use exactly the same data set for multiple papers? Should I agree on a colleague being a co-author on a paper to which she has not made a significant contribution? The Dilemma Game confronts researchers with difficult dilemmas in the context of a critical dialogue, supporting them in further developing their own 'moral compass'. For years, the Dilemma Game was played as a card game, but in 2020 the game has been digitalized. The Dilemma Game app now allows researchers to use the game anytime, anywhere, on their own, or together with peers and colleagues.