The SSH Training Discovery Toolkit provides an inventory of training materials relevant for the Social Sciences and Humanities.

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IASSIST Community Webinars

IASSIST Professional Developement Committee organizes and hosts IASSIST Community Webinars. Webinars usually last about 45-60 minutes. Some of the topics have for example been data visualization, qualitative analysis tools, and data curation. Webinars are recorded and made available on the IASSIST YouTube Channel.

University of Huddersfield Library Services

University of Huddersfield’s Library holds over 330,000 book and journal items, and provides access to around 750,000 electronic resources. The library is located on the University’s campus in the centre of Huddersfield.

The University is also home to Heritage Quay, the information, records management and archive service at the University of Huddersfield. For researchers, students, academics and members of the public Heritage Quay acts as the official archive for the University, as well as the guardian of the archives of other organisations, families and individuals dating back over 200 years.

The local library catalogue is available online.

Heritage Quay at the University of Huddersfield also contributes to the Archives Hub. To browse descriptions of their archive materials, visit their Archives Hub information page.

Open Education Resources

Open Education Resources (OERs) are digital resources used in the context of teaching and learning that have been released by the copyright holder under an open licence permitting their use and re-purposing by others.

We believe that open educational resources play an important role in supporting our vision, purpose and values; to discover knowledge and make the world a better place, and to ensure our teaching and research is diverse, inclusive, accessible to all and relevant to society.  In line with the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Educational Resources we also believe that OER can make a critical contribution to achieving the aims of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals which the University and Students Association are committed to through the SDG Accord.

UK Copyright Literacy

Decoding copyright and bringing you enlightenment - a blog from Chris Morrison and Jane Secker. Chris is Copyright, Licensing and Policy Manager at the University of Kent and Jane is Senior Lecturer in Educational Development at City, University of London.

Social Sciences and Law - University of Bristol

Our academics work in a wide range of research centres and groupings across economics, education, human geography, law, policy studies, sociology, politics and international studies and are committed to conducting world-leading research that matters to society.

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The Game of Open Access

The Game of Open Access is a board game developed by staff from Computing & Library Services (CLS) at the University of Huddersfield in 2017. The aim is to to engage researchers with the key concepts and tools required to meet Open Access mandates. Through the use of playful learning, it aims to develop an understanding of the role of Open Access through the initial idea for an article to its acceptance for publication.

The Game normally takes between 10-20 minutes to play, depending on the number of players and how much discussion takes place.

The game has been played by researchers and librarians in the context of library roadshows, in Open Access information sessions with PG researchers, at library and research conferences, and increasingly by libraries worldwide. 

Game Jam

A Game Jam is an organised event where a group of people gather with the intention of creating a full game – from conception to completion – in a pre-determined, short period of time.

In the OER Game Jams, we lead groups through creating, licensing, and sharing a game as an Open Educational Resource (OER). This hands-on workshop, created by Stephanie (Charlie) Farley and Gavin Willshaw of Information Services, is available to be run in multiple formats. The Game Jam can be run for pen and paper, print and play, board game creation, and/or developing digital skills with an online adventure story game (new!).

The workshop guides groups through all the steps to create their own board game. It explores prototyping and play-testing and how to add variety and fun by employing different game mechanics.

Games in our workshops are created using digitised images from the University of Edinburgh Library, open media content from Media Hopper, and openly licensed and public domain images and digital resources across the web.

Our workshop covers:

  • the differences between copyright and licensing,
  • how to identify licensed material that is free for re-use,
  • how to licence your own work.
Copyright the Card Game Online

Introduction to copyright law and the relationship between licences and copyright exceptions. The four ‘suits’ in the game are:
- Copyright works
 - Usages, or what the law calls the ‘restricted acts’ that are the exclusive right of the copyright holder. How does what you want to do with a work map onto the usages as defined in the law?
 - Licenses – how do licences work? What licences are available and how might they be used to enable you to go beyond what the law might allow
 - Exceptions – what copyright exceptions exist in the UK and how can you make better use of them.

Researchers, Impact & Publications (R.I.P.) Game

Increasing researcher awareness of the importance of the links between good Research Data Management, published articles, funder requirements and the research lifecycle is a large part of a Research Support services’ role. The University of Bristol’s Research Data Service has adapted the cult game ‘Cards Against Humanity’ for a research environment.

Whilst the game demonstrated here is specific to Research Data Management and its relationship to decisions made during the research lifecycle, the mechanism allows for adaptations across multiple fields: teams in contracts, ethics, research development and data protection can also benefit by developing their own questions and using this game as strategy to reach their audience.

In addition to its use as a tool for engaging with researchers, Cards Against Humanity has openness at its core. The originators state it is ‘meant to be remixed’, and have issued Cards against Humanity with a CC-BY-NC-SA licence.

Scratch: Programming for Teachers

In this course you will learn the basics of programming and how to teach it yourself as a primary or secondary school teacher.

This MOOC teaches programming in Scratch through fun videos which explain programming in an inspiring and clear way. These videos are accompanied by assignments which let kids practice programming and create programs they will like to use themselves!

Every week you build a different Scratch project yourself: a flappy bird game, a virtual pet or a Mondriaan like artwork. Also weekly, new programming blocks are taught and together we’re working on ways to improve your written code. In addition, you will learn how you can integrate the same programming lessons in your class for both primary and secondary education.