The SSH Training Discovery Toolkit provides an inventory of training materials relevant for the Social Sciences and Humanities.

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Title Body
Open Science: Sharing Your Research with the World

Explore ways to apply Open Science principles to academic work - including your own. Learn how to share your research effectively and responsibly, building greater visibility and impact.

Consent for data sharing resources

Detailed guidance for researchers, with model consent form and example consent forms, on how to consider future reuse of research data as part of consent procedures with research participants. To make sure that research data, in particular qualitative data, can be made available for future reuse, it is important that consent for future reuse of the data by other researchers is sought from participants. Participants should be informed how research data will be stored, preserved and used in the long-term, and how confidentiality can be protected when needed.

Guidance considers written and verbal consent, the timing of consent, examples consent forms and wording to use, etc. 

Data management training exercises

Set of hands-on exercises that can be used for data management and sharing training, developed from real-case datasets and scenarios.