The SSH Training Discovery Toolkit provides an inventory of training materials relevant for the Social Sciences and Humanities.

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Standardization Survival Kit - PARTHENOS Project

The Standardization Survival Kit (SSK) is designed to support researchers in selecting and using the appropriate standards for their particular disciplines and work flows. The SSK is an online tool which focuses on giving researchers access to standards in a meaningful way by using research scenarios which cover all the domains of the Humanities, from literature to heritage science, including history, social sciences, linguistics, etc.

OpenAIRE FAQ on Open Science, RDM

FAQ by OpenAIRE answering various questions around Open Science and RDM.

Use cases of OpenAIRE services for different stakeholders

OpenAIRE is preparing use case narratives with scenarios of Open Science services offered by OpenAIRE targeting different users: researchers, research communities/research infrastructures, content providers, funders, managers of research.

The main goal is to showcase how OpenAIRE services are contributing to embed Open Science into researchers' daily workflow and to implement and align Open Science policies and infrastructures across European research institutions.

Benefits and assumptions of those who already use the OpenAIRE services and several best practices on Open Access publishing, sharing research data and enriching the repositories content will be made available on the website

H2020 OpenAIRE Fact sheets

In an effort to make open access for publications and data simple for everyone, OpenAIRE is creating factsheets with a brief overview of how to comply with H2020 OA mandates and how to use OpenAIRE services where available.

MOOC Delivering Research Data Management Services

Collaboratively developed MOOC by RDNL, DCC and the University of Edinburgh, published on FutureLearn

MOOC on delivering RDM services

Concepts in data harmonisation

During this Train the Trainer course, Kristi Winters (GESIS) discusses key concepts in variable harmonization.

FAIR data management

Video is a talk by Anna Schwickerath (GESIS) on how to make your data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR).

Ethical and legal issues in managing and sharing data

Video is a talk by Libby Bishop (GESIS) on ethical and legal issues in managing and sharing data. 

Meeting funders’ requirements – archiving and data sharing

YouTube Video: This introductory webinar is for anyone who is involved in the collection of data and is considering making (some of) their data available in accordance with funders’ requirements. This webinar aims to raise awareness about relevant key data management practices for sharing, specifically regarding data documentation, gaining consent, and data anonymisation. it provides a short theoretical introduction, including what FAIR means and how it is implemented, as well as practical illustrations drawing on a large-scale cross-national survey (the European Social Survey). It also provides some practical tips with respect to data archiving, in particular how to choose an appropriate archive or repository.

A new generation of tools for meeting and networking online

There is a new generation of tools that enriches the toolset of online facilitators. Comprising the tools Wonder me, Remo, Videofacilitator, Spatial Chat, Gather and Gemibo, this blog will compare them and evaluate their functions.