The SSH Training Discovery Toolkit provides an inventory of training materials relevant for the Social Sciences and Humanities.

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Title Body
Parthenos - For Trainers - Other Teaching Resources

The materials on this web site are intended to assist in bridging that gap, overcoming the general inclination within infrastructure projects to provide only training on tools, rather than finding effective ways to transfer a greater bulk of our experiential knowledge.

These materials are intended for reuse, so please feel free to incorporate them in to your courses and syllabi, or direct your students toward them for further learning.  Please apply a CC-BY license when you do reuse them, crediting the PARTHENOS Project and the specific lecturer by name (if a video or slide deck).

This item focuses on other teaching resources that are available such as links to suggested course outlines, downloadable diagrams and checklists.



Parthenos - For Trainers - Training Slides

The materials on this web site are intended to assist in bridging that gap, overcoming the general inclination within infrastructure projects to provide only training on tools, rather than finding effective ways to transfer a greater bulk of our experiential knowledge.

These materials are intended for reuse, so please feel free to incorporate them in to your courses and syllabi, or direct your students toward them for further learning.  Please apply a CC-BY license when you do reuse them, crediting the PARTHENOS Project and the specific lecturer by name (if a video or slide deck).

This item focuses on the training slides that are available through Parthenos.

Slides on five topics are available:

- Introduction to research infrastructures

- Management challenges in research infrastructures

- Collaborations in research infrastructures

- Manage, Improve and Open up your Research Data

- Formal Ontologies: A complete novice's guide


Trusted digital repository workshop

The EHRI workshop ‘Trusted Digital Repository’ provided an overview of available techniques to evaluate the maturity in digital preservation of a CHI and the process of obtaining a globally recognised Trusted Digital Repository (TDR) status. Prior to the workshop attendees could fill in a survey on digital preservation that was used as valuable input. During the workshop the attendees were first introduced to the topics and achieved a better understanding of these due to the break-out structure of the workshop. The workshop took place on 26 June 2018 in Vilnius, Lithuania and is described in deliverable D13.4

Parthenos - For Trainers - Training Videos

The materials on this web site are intended to assist in bridging that gap, overcoming the general inclination within infrastructure projects to provide only training on tools, rather than finding effective ways to transfer a greater bulk of our experiential knowledge.

These materials are intended for reuse, so please feel free to incorporate them in to your courses and syllabi, or direct your students toward them for further learning.  Please apply a CC-BY license when you do reuse them, crediting the PARTHENOS Project and the specific lecturer by name (if a video or slide deck).

This item focuses on the Training Videos that are available through Parthenos.

There are short videos, longer video lectures and webinar videos. Topics include videos on research infrastructures, standards, ontologies, data and metadata, FAIR data, Open Access and many others.

Data management planning for long-term preservation

Data management planning (DMP) concerns the development, execution and supervision of plans, policies, programs and practices that control, protect, deliver and enhance the value of data and information assets. The certification of digital repositories (the subject of D13.4) is an important instrument to improve the quality of the data management infrastructure. Both DMP and certification of repositories are closely related and covered in this report. This deliverable contains the strategy and planning to create and disseminate expertise on DMP for the EHRI community. Input from the research data community on DMP is discussed with and assessed by policy makers from IT-savvy EHRI partners. This input consists of the FAIR data principles, the certification of repositories by means of a certification framework, the data management services provided by the EUDAT Collaborative Data Infrastructure, and the current relevant practices of the invited partners as well as the Dutch National Archives. All these will be used as building blocks for the final roadmap for a long-term access infrastructure of Holocaust digital objects (D13.2).


Chapter on the process of data discovery and reuse, including evaluating data quality. For discovering high-quality data, curated lists of different types of social science data sources in Europe and around the world are presented.

Focus on:

  • set up - and adjust - a search strategy to find suitable data for your research purposes
  • social science data repositories as sources for discovering social science data
  • data sources which CESSDA-experts recommend for selected research topics
  • evaluating the quality and usefulness of data for secondary analysis
  • different types and modes of access to data
  • relevant DMP questions on this topic
Archive and Publish

High-quality data have the potential to be reused in many ways. This chapter explores options for archiving and publishing data as a strategy for FAIR data, considering repository solutions, access, use and citation of data.

Focus on:

  • the difference between data archiving and data publishing
  • the benefits of data publishing
  • different data publication services, such as data journal, self-archiving, a data repository
  • selecting a data repository which fits your research data's needs
  • ways to promote published research data
  • relevant DMP questions on these topics

Key legal and ethical considerations in creating shareable data. This chapter clarifies the different legal requirements of the European Union Member States, and the impact of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on research data management. It shows how sharing personal data can often be accomplished by using a combination of obtaining informed consent, data anonymisation and regulating data access. The supporting role of ethical review in managing legal and ethical obligations is also highlighted in this chapter.

Focus on:

  • legal and ethical obligations towards research participants and the different legal requirements of EU Member States
  • how protecting data properly protects against violating laws and promises made to participants
  • the General Data Protection Regulation and its relevance in research
  • informed consent, anonymisation and access controls to facilitate creating shareable data
  • relevant elements in a consent form
  • anonymisation techniques for quantitative and qualitative data
  • relevant DMP questions on these topics

Chapter on storage, backup, recovery and security strategies for research data, to protect them against accidental loss and against unauthorised manipulation. Particularly when collecting (sensitive) personal data it is necessary to ensure that these data can only be accessed by those authorized to do so. 

Focus on:

  • different storage solutions and their advantages and disadvantages
  • storage strategy for research data
  • backup and disaster recovery strategy to ensure that avoid data loss, e.g. through human error or hardware failure
  • protect data against unauthorised access with strong passwords and encryption
  • relevant DMP questions on these topics

Chapter on the data operations needed to prepare data files for analysis and data sharing, starting with data entry and coding of data files. Throughout the different phases of research data files will be edited numerous times. During this process, it is crucial to maintain the authenticity of research information contained in the data and prevent it from loss or deterioration, as well as a comprehensive approach to data quality.

Focus on:

  • strategies to minimise errors during the processes of data entry and data coding
  • the choice of file formats
  • managing the integrity and authenticity of data during the research process
  • a systematic approach to data quality
  • DMP questions on these topics.