The SSH Training Discovery Toolkit provides an inventory of training materials relevant for the Social Sciences and Humanities.

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Corpora of academic texts

This is a list of academic corpora that are available as part of the CLARIN Resource Families initiative.

Corpora of academic texts contain scholarly writing, which includes research papers, essays and abstracts published in academic journals, conference proceedings, and edited volumes, theses written by students at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and scientific monographs.


Computer-mediated communication corpora

This is a list of computer-mediated communication corpora that are available as part of the CLARIN Resource Families initiative.

Computer-mediated communication (CMC) constitutes public and private communication on-line, such as posts on blogs, forums, comments on online news sites, social media and networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook, instant chat rooms such as, mobile phone applications such as WhatsApp and e-mail. Because corpora that compile computer-mediated communication often include very informal styles of writing, they are interesting for a wide range of research fields, such as language variation, pragmatics, media and communication studies, etc. They are also very important for the development of robust NLP tools that can deal with non-standard spelling, vocabulary and grammar. Compilation and dissemination of such corpora are hindered by the unclear legal status of CMC data when distributed as resource to the scientific community, which is further exacerbated by the rapidly changing terms of service by content providers.

A Case Report: Building communities with training and resources for Open Science trainers

To foster responsible research and innovation, research communities, institutions, and funders are shifting their practices and requirements towards Open Science. Open Science skills are becoming increasingly essential for researchers. Indeed general awareness of Open Science has grown among EU researchers, but the practical adoption can be further improved. Recognizing a gap between the needed and the provided training offer, the FOSTER project offers practical guidance and training to help researchers learn how to open up their research within a particular domain or research environment.

Aiming for a sustainable approach, FOSTER focused on strengthening the Open Science training capacity by establishing and supporting a community of trainers. The creation of an Open Science training handbook was a first step towards bringing together trainers to share their experiences and to create an open and living knowledge resource. A subsequent series of train-the-trainer bootcamps helped trainers to find inspiration, improve their skills and to intensify exchange within a peer group. Four trainers, who attended one of the bootcamps, contributed a case study on their experiences and how they rolled out Open Science training within their own institutions.

On its platform the project provides a range of online courses and resources to learn about key Open Science topics. FOSTER awards users gamification badges when completing courses in order to provide incentives and rewards, and to spur them on to even greater achievements in learning.

The paper at hand describes FOSTER Plus’ training strategies, shares the lessons learnt and provides guidance on how to reuse the project’s materials and training approaches.

Recommendations on Open Science Training

Building on Open Science Training Handbook and on successes of over 40 online and face-to-face events that FOSTER organized in 2017-2018, this report provides good practice recommendations on open science training targeting researchers and multipliers – train-the-trainers approaches for research support staff and librarians.

Open Science Training Handbook

A group of fourteen authors came together in February 2018 at the TIB (German National Library of Science and Technology) in Hannover to create an open, living handbook on Open Science training. High-quality trainings are fundamental when aiming at a cultural change towards the implementation of Open Science principles. Teaching resources provide great support for Open Science instructors and trainers.

The Open Science training handbook will be a key resource and a first step towards developing Open Access and Open Science curricula and andragogies. Supporting and connecting an emerging Open Science community that wishes to pass on their knowledge as multipliers, the handbook will enrich training activities and unlock the community’s full potential.

Train-the-trainer card game for Open Science training

GOAL:  Trainers can use this game to facilitate ‘train-the-trainer’ workshops. Participants design a usable framework for a training – which will they deliver themselves at a later stage -  on (a) topic(s) of their choice. The card game offers the participants the option to preselect audience type, audience size, training type and audience knowledge level. In addition, two ‘unforeseen’ circumstances can be added: audience mood, and ‘trouble’ (uh-oh!).  Apart from going home with a usable design for a training, the audience of this workshop will also benefit from the input and experience of the other participants.  

AUDIENCE: (Potential) trainers on Open Science related topics.  These trainers are supposed to have a sufficient level of knowledge about their training topic(s) in order for them to be able to pass it on in the trainings they will organise themselves at a later stage. This exercise is suitable for max. 7 groups, consisting of 2-4 trainers per group.

DURATION: 1,5 hour preparation time, +15 mins for persona exercise, + 15 minutes per group for presentation and evaluation

This game is still in beta mode. New versions will be released as we have more chances to practice with real audiences!

This game is licensed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license. You can reuse and remix this game as you please, but you have to credit Gwen Franck as the creator, and you have to share the new versions under the same conditions as the original.

Training materials about common services and thematic services - D11.1

This report outlines the training plan that will be delivered during the first year of the EOSC-hub project. The training program is aimed at service providers, individual researchers and research communities to use, integrate the Thematic and Common services. The training program also consists of training on data management planning and on the management of IT services (by means of the FitSM standard). An overview of training events organised in the first year of the project is provided and a registry for Training Material and Training Events is set up.

Top 10 FAIR Data and Software Things

The Top 10 FAIR Data & Software Things are brief guides (stand alone, self paced training materials), called "Things", that can be used by the research community to understand how they can make their research (data and software) more FAIR. Each discipline/topic has its own specific list:

  • Nanotechnology
  • Astronomy
  • Linked Open Data
  • Imaging
  • Music
  • The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)
  • Oceanography
  • Research Software
  • Research Libraries
  • Research Data Management Support
  • International Relations
  • Humanities: Historical Research
  • Geoscience
  • Biomedical Data Producers, Stewards, and Funders
  • Biodiversity
  • Australian Government Data/Collections
  • Archaeology
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CLARIN Resource Families

The aim of the CLARIN Resource Families initiative is to provide a user-friendly overview of the available language resources in the CLARIN infrastructure for researchers from digital humanities, social sciences and human language technologies. The overviews are organized according to the types of data in the resources and include listings sorted by language.

The listings include the most important metadata and brief descriptions, such as resource size, text sources, time periods, annotations and licences as well as links to download pages and concordancers, whenever available. In addition to the resources found in the CLARIN infrastructure, CLARIN Resource Families provides an overview of other existing valuable language resources which have not yet been integrated in the infrastructure.

CLARIN Resource Families also provides hyperlinks to other relevant materials such as the thematic CLARIN workshops and tutorials and their accompanying videolectures, as well as a list of key publications on the resources surveyed.

Training catalogue ENVRI

Training catalogue of the ENVRI community. This catalogue is designed to facilitate findability, sharing and reuse of educational resources on FAIR data management. To do so, it hosts metadata of educational resources collected by ENVRI so that these can be searched, discovered and accessed.