The SSH Training Discovery Toolkit provides an inventory of training materials relevant for the Social Sciences and Humanities.

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Data management videos

Youtube playlist of online video tutorials demonstrating practical data management aspects such as writing a data management plan, encrypting data files, backing up data, etc.

Parthenos - For Trainers - Training Videos

The materials on this web site are intended to assist in bridging that gap, overcoming the general inclination within infrastructure projects to provide only training on tools, rather than finding effective ways to transfer a greater bulk of our experiential knowledge.

These materials are intended for reuse, so please feel free to incorporate them in to your courses and syllabi, or direct your students toward them for further learning.  Please apply a CC-BY license when you do reuse them, crediting the PARTHENOS Project and the specific lecturer by name (if a video or slide deck).

This item focuses on the Training Videos that are available through Parthenos.

There are short videos, longer video lectures and webinar videos. Topics include videos on research infrastructures, standards, ontologies, data and metadata, FAIR data, Open Access and many others.

Social Science Curriculum

This workshop uses a tabular interview dataset from the SAFI Teaching Database and teaches data cleaning, management, analysis and visualization. There are no pre-requisites, and the materials assume no prior knowledge about the tools. We use a single dataset throughout the workshop to model the data management and analysis workflow that a researcher would use.

Open Science Primers: A RDM Handbook

The module offers a primer on managing research data.  

Open Science Primers: Open Access Basics

The primer is specifically aimed at those who are not yet familiar with Open Access. 

Manage, improve and open up your research and data

This module looks at emerging trends and best practice in data management, quality assessment and IPR issues. It looks at policies regarding data management and their implementation, particularly in the framework of a Research Infrastructure.

Formal Ontologies: A Complete Novice’s Guide

This module is specifically aimed at those who are not yet familiar with ontologies as a means of research data management, and will take you through some of the main features of ontologies, and the reasons for using them.

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OpenScience MOOC

Research is getting a global makeover, in part thanks to the power of the internet and the tools it provides for us, and in part due to a growing call for accountability (e.g., reproducibility and data provenance) in research. Global policies are emerging at different levels that include some aspect of Open Research, Open Scholarship, or Open Science, and inclusive of all research disciplines. But our universities are often letting us down, and they are not teaching us the knowledge, tools and skills we need to do research effectively in the 21st century.

“Open Science” has many interpretations, but at its core it is about increased rigour, accountability, and reproducibility for research. For us, it is based on the principles of inclusion, fairness, equity, and sharing. Open Science can be viewed as research simply done properly, and it extends across the Life and Physical Sciences, Engineering, and Mathematics, to Social Science and Humanities.

This MOOC is designed to help equip students and researchers with the skills they need to excel in a modern research environment. It brings together the efforts and resources of hundreds of researchers and practitioners who have all dedicated their time and experience to create a community to help propel research forward.

UK Data Service: Manage Data

Online data management guidance and resources for researchers, developed by the UK Data Service. This resource provides best practice guidance and advice, including examples, exercises, tools and templates. The focus is on the social sciences and research with human participants. Particular areas covered are:

  • Data management planning
  • Legal and ethical aspects of managing and sharing data
  • IP Rights
  • Documenting data
  • Formatting data
  • Storing data


Harvard University: online courses

About 200 online courses dedicated to various disciplines including humanities and social sciences.