The SSH Training Discovery Toolkit provides an inventory of training materials relevant for the Social Sciences and Humanities.

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Data Skills Modules

These introductory level interactive modules are designed for users who want to get to grips with key aspects of survey, longitudinal and aggregate data.

Modules can be conducted in your own time and you are able to dip in and out when needed. The modules give an introduction to key aspects of the data using short instructional videos, interactive quizzes and activities using open access software where possible.

Each module stands alone but those with little experience of surveys may find it useful to start with the Survey Data Module before moving on to the Longitudinal Data Module.

Modules include: Survey Data, Longitudinal Data, Aggregate Data

DARIAH DESIR Winter school: Shaping new approaches to data management in arts and humanities

The main topic is the evolution of publication issues in social sciences and humanities, in the context of Open Access, with the underlying goal of promoting open science through the question of open data citation.

Multimodal Literacies

This course for graduate students invites you to discover the world of the digital multimodal literacies, by history, examples, experiments and editing tools. In the last lesson, you will be able to build your own multimodal editing tool, an eTalk.

Concepts in data harmonisation

During this Train the Trainer course, Kristi Winters (GESIS) discusses key concepts in variable harmonization.

FAIR data management

Video is a talk by Anna Schwickerath (GESIS) on how to make your data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR).

Ethical and legal issues in managing and sharing data

Video is a talk by Libby Bishop (GESIS) on ethical and legal issues in managing and sharing data. 

Meeting funders’ requirements – archiving and data sharing

YouTube Video: This introductory webinar is for anyone who is involved in the collection of data and is considering making (some of) their data available in accordance with funders’ requirements. This webinar aims to raise awareness about relevant key data management practices for sharing, specifically regarding data documentation, gaining consent, and data anonymisation. it provides a short theoretical introduction, including what FAIR means and how it is implemented, as well as practical illustrations drawing on a large-scale cross-national survey (the European Social Survey). It also provides some practical tips with respect to data archiving, in particular how to choose an appropriate archive or repository.

Synergy Train the Trainer Programme

Massive open online courses platform. This service is based on the worldwide most popular Moodle platform. Platform provides interactive courses capabilities with user forums to support community interactions among students and tutors as well as immediate feedback to quick quizzes and assignments.

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UK Data Service: Data Skills

This source includes interactive modules designed for users who want to get to grips with key aspects of survey, longitudinal and aggregate data as well as tools that can be used to assess and improve data quality. 

Modules can be conducted in your own time and you are able to dip in and out when needed. The modules give an introduction to key aspects of the data using short instructional videos, interactive quizzes and activities using open access software where possible. Tools include guides, documentation and exercises.

EOSC-Synergy Training Platform

EOSC-Synergy training platform is set of tools for the creation and conduction EOSC related training courses. It facilitates cloud related courses providing tools for interactive computing. The platform is based on the container’s technologies, that allows for combining together in a suitable learning setup for students/training participants.