The SSH Training Discovery Toolkit provides an inventory of training materials relevant for the Social Sciences and Humanities.

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European Commission Open access & Data management

European Commission guidance on the context and Horizon 2020 rules on open access to scientific publications, open access to research data and research data management. Contains multiple reference documents.


OpenScience MOOC

Research is getting a global makeover, in part thanks to the power of the internet and the tools it provides for us, and in part due to a growing call for accountability (e.g., reproducibility and data provenance) in research. Global policies are emerging at different levels that include some aspect of Open Research, Open Scholarship, or Open Science, and inclusive of all research disciplines. But our universities are often letting us down, and they are not teaching us the knowledge, tools and skills we need to do research effectively in the 21st century.

“Open Science” has many interpretations, but at its core it is about increased rigour, accountability, and reproducibility for research. For us, it is based on the principles of inclusion, fairness, equity, and sharing. Open Science can be viewed as research simply done properly, and it extends across the Life and Physical Sciences, Engineering, and Mathematics, to Social Science and Humanities.

This MOOC is designed to help equip students and researchers with the skills they need to excel in a modern research environment. It brings together the efforts and resources of hundreds of researchers and practitioners who have all dedicated their time and experience to create a community to help propel research forward.


FutureLearn is a British digital education platform founded in December 2012. The company is jointly owned by The Open University and SEEK Ltd. It is a Massive Open Online Course, ExpertTrack, microcredential and Degree learning platform.

Research Data Netherlands (RDNL) Support

Research Data Netherlands is an alliance between  4TU.Centre for Research Data, Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS) and SURFsara. With this coalition, which is also open to other parties, the three data archives join forces in the area of long-term data archiving.

Online and blended course 'Essentials4datasupport' and MOOC 'Delivering Research Data Management Services' (together with DCC)

DelftX - Free online courses from Delft University of Technology

Free online courses from Delft University of Technology on edX

Delft University of Technology is the largest and oldest technological university in the Netherlands. Our research is inspired by the desire to increase fundamental understanding, as well as by societal challenges. We encourage our students to be independent thinkers so they will become engineers capable of solving complex problems. Our students have chosen Delft University of Technology because of our reputation for quality education and research.

Digital Curation Centre

The Digital Curation Centre (DCC) is a centre of expertise in digital curation with a focus on building capability and skills for research data management. They provide expert advice and practical help to research organisations wanting to store, manage, protect and share digital research data.

Amongst the many resources they provide, they have a section of training materials available for developing and/or delivering research data management training. This includes their own DC 101 training materials for training researchers, as well as training materials for librarians and research administrators. They also point to training materials made available by other providers.



MOOC, offering diverse online teaching including single courses, specializations, professional certificates, mastertrack certificates and online degrees. 

It offers an array of syllabuses on "Data Science".

Data Observation Network for Earth (DataOne)

DataONE is a community driven project providing access to data across multiple member repositories, supporting enhanced search and discovery of Earth and environmental data. DataONE promotes best practices in data management through responsive educational resources and materials.

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A Case Report: Building communities with training and resources for Open Science trainers

To foster responsible research and innovation, research communities, institutions, and funders are shifting their practices and requirements towards Open Science. Open Science skills are becoming increasingly essential for researchers. Indeed general awareness of Open Science has grown among EU researchers, but the practical adoption can be further improved. Recognizing a gap between the needed and the provided training offer, the FOSTER project offers practical guidance and training to help researchers learn how to open up their research within a particular domain or research environment.

Aiming for a sustainable approach, FOSTER focused on strengthening the Open Science training capacity by establishing and supporting a community of trainers. The creation of an Open Science training handbook was a first step towards bringing together trainers to share their experiences and to create an open and living knowledge resource. A subsequent series of train-the-trainer bootcamps helped trainers to find inspiration, improve their skills and to intensify exchange within a peer group. Four trainers, who attended one of the bootcamps, contributed a case study on their experiences and how they rolled out Open Science training within their own institutions.

On its platform the project provides a range of online courses and resources to learn about key Open Science topics. FOSTER awards users gamification badges when completing courses in order to provide incentives and rewards, and to spur them on to even greater achievements in learning.

The paper at hand describes FOSTER Plus’ training strategies, shares the lessons learnt and provides guidance on how to reuse the project’s materials and training approaches.

Recommendations on Open Science Training

Building on Open Science Training Handbook and on successes of over 40 online and face-to-face events that FOSTER organized in 2017-2018, this report provides good practice recommendations on open science training targeting researchers and multipliers – train-the-trainers approaches for research support staff and librarians.