The SSH Training Discovery Toolkit provides an inventory of training materials relevant for the Social Sciences and Humanities.

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Service provider

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The mission of CLARIN-DK is to provide easy and sustainable access for scholars in the humanities and social sciences to digital language data (in written, spoken, video or multimodal form) and to provide advanced tools for discovering, exploring, exploiting, annotating, and analyzing them. CLARIN-DK also shares knowledge on Danish language technology and resources and is the Danish node in the European CLARIN-ERIC. The objective of the CLARIN Centre at the University of Copenhagen is to fulfill the CLARIN-DK mission. The centre provides data management consultation and support in connection with depositing and reuse of research data.


Depositing service for any linguistic and/or NLP data and tools: corpora, treebanks, lexica, but also trained language models, parsers, taggers, machine translation systems, web services, etc.

CLARIN Centre Vienna

ARCHE (A Resource Centre for the HumanitiEs) is a service that offers stable and persistent hosting as well as the dissemination of digital research data and resources for the Austrian humanities community. ARCHE welcomes data from all humanities fields.

Tools for named entity recognition

This is a list of tools for named entity recognition that are available as part of the CLARIN Resource Families initiative.

Named entity recognition (NER) is an information extraction task which identifies mentions of various named entities in unstructured text and classifies them into predetermined categories, such as person names, organisations, locations, date/time, monetary values, and so forth. They can, for example, help with the classification of news content, content recommentations and search algorithms.

Tools for normalization

This is a list of tools for text normalization that are available as part of the CLARIN Resource Families initiative.

Text normalization is the process of transforming parts of a text into a single canonical form. It represents one of the key stages of linguistic processing for texts in which spelling variation abounds or deviates from the contemporary norm, such as in texts published in historical documents or on social media. After text normalization, standard tools for all further stages of text processing can be used. Another important advantage of text normalization is improved search which can be performed with querying a single, standard variant but takes into account all its spelling variants, be it historical, dialectal, colloquial or slang.

Literary corpora

This is a list of literary corpora that are available as part of the CLARIN Resource Families initiative.

Literary corpora comprise poetry and fictional prose texts, such as novels, short stories and plays. They bring together the collected works of a single author or representative from a specific literary period. Since the literary corpora are often available through powerful concordancers, they are especially well suited for a quantitative and qualitative approach to comparative literary analysis, within or across different genres and historical periods.

Corpora of academic texts

This is a list of academic corpora that are available as part of the CLARIN Resource Families initiative.

Corpora of academic texts contain scholarly writing, which includes research papers, essays and abstracts published in academic journals, conference proceedings, and edited volumes, theses written by students at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and scientific monographs.


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CLARIN Depositing Services

One of the fundamental services of the CLARIN infrastructure is making sure that language resources can be archived and made available to the community in a reliable manner. To help researchers to store their resources (e.g. corpora, lexica, audio and video recordings, annotations, grammars, etc.) in a sustainable way, many of the CLARIN centres offer a depositing service. They are willing to store the resources in their repository and assist with the technical and organisational details. This has a wide range of advantages:

  • Long-term archiving: a storage guarantee can be given for a long period (up to 50 years in some cases)
  • Resources can be cited easily with a persistent identifier.
  • The resources and their metadata will be integrated into the infrastructure, making it possibe to search them efficiently.
  • Password-protected resources can be made available via an institutional login.
  • Once resources are integrated in the CLARIN infrastructure, they can be analyzed and enriched more easily with various linguistic tools (e.g. automated part-of-speech taggingphonetic alignment or audio/video analysis).

Provides digital solutions aimed primarily for UK education and research. 

Provision includes shared digital infrastructure and services, such as the superfast Janet Network. They help the sector save time and money by negotiating sector-wide deals with IT vendors and commercial publishers. They offer expert and trusted advice on digital technology for education and research, built from over 30 years’ experience. 

DANS Training

Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS) is the Netherlands institute for permanent access to digital research resources.

Since 2005, DANS has been supporting researchers, data professionals, other data archives, research institutions and research financiers with questions in the field of data management, certification, and topics such as FAIR, open access and software sustainability.

In addition to data services, DANS also offers training and consultancy.

Do you want to know more about depositing, sharing and reusing data? Or, for example, about research data management, digital sustainability, certification, FAIR, open access or software sustainability?

The expertise built up in national and European projects is reflected in the training courses and advice provided by DANS, intended for researchers, research institutions, research funders, data professionals and other archives. Examples can be found on the DANS Training site.

We are happy to share our knowledge with researchers, data professionals, research institutions, research funders and other repositories. We regularly organise interactive workshops on data publishing, archiving, reusability and interoperability. The developments in the field of Open Science, research data management planning and tools are also addressed.

In addition, DANS organises successful interactive training courses together with others, such as: RDNL Essentials 4 Data Support, RDNL AVG and develops training materials such as the DANS Data Game and CESSDA Data Management Expert Guide.