The SSH Training Discovery Toolkit provides an inventory of training materials relevant for the Social Sciences and Humanities.

Use the search bar to discover materials or browse through the collections. The filters will help you identify your area of interest.



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Open Science: Sharing Your Research with the World

Explore ways to apply Open Science principles to academic work - including your own. Learn how to share your research effectively and responsibly, building greater visibility and impact.

Data Management Skillbuilding Hub

The Data Management Skillbuilding Hub is a repository for open educational resources regarding data management, meaning that it is a collection of learning resources freely contributed by anyone willing to share them. Materials such as lessons, best practices, and videos, are stored in the DataONEorg GitHub repository as well as searchable through the Data Management Training Clearinghouse. We invite you submit your own educational resources so that the Data Management Skillbuilding Hub can remain an up-to-date and sustainable educational tool for all to benefit from. You can easily contribute learning materials to the Skillbuilding Hub via GitHub online.

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CLARIN Legal Information Platform

The platform aims to introduce researchers with basic notions related to the legislative and licensing framework in Europe on Copyright and Data Protection:

  • Introduction to Copyright and Related Rights
  • Licensing Practice
  • Personal Data Protection

It also includes proposals for:

  • Further reading/Bibliography on Legal and Ethical Issues
  • Useful links on Legal and Ethical Issues
CLARIN Resource Families

The aim of the CLARIN Resource Families initiative is to provide a user-friendly overview of the available language resources in the CLARIN infrastructure for researchers from digital humanities, social sciences and human language technologies. The overviews are organized according to the types of data in the resources and include listings sorted by language.

The listings include the most important metadata and brief descriptions, such as resource size, text sources, time periods, annotations and licences as well as links to download pages and concordancers, whenever available. In addition to the resources found in the CLARIN infrastructure, CLARIN Resource Families provides an overview of other existing valuable language resources which have not yet been integrated in the infrastructure.

CLARIN Resource Families also provides hyperlinks to other relevant materials such as the thematic CLARIN workshops and tutorials and their accompanying videolectures, as well as a list of key publications on the resources surveyed.

GESIS Training

At GESIS we offer a wide range of events, especially training courses on empirical social research methods. Our theory founded and hands-on courses develop participants’ methods skills and are aimed at both early career and senior researchers from Germany, Europe, and the whole world.


Provides digital solutions aimed primarily for UK education and research. 

Provision includes shared digital infrastructure and services, such as the superfast Janet Network. They help the sector save time and money by negotiating sector-wide deals with IT vendors and commercial publishers. They offer expert and trusted advice on digital technology for education and research, built from over 30 years’ experience. 

FD Mentor

Roadmaps, recommendations for action and good practice examples for the strategic development and improvement of research data management at German-speaking universities are developed for subsequent use. The focus is on the development of tools for strategy development for research data management, models for institutional research data policies, and a consulting and training concept

European Commission Open access & Data management

European Commission guidance on the context and Horizon 2020 rules on open access to scientific publications, open access to research data and research data management. Contains multiple reference documents.



FutureLearn is a British digital education platform founded in December 2012. The company is jointly owned by The Open University and SEEK Ltd. It is a Massive Open Online Course, ExpertTrack, microcredential and Degree learning platform.

Research Data Netherlands (RDNL) Support

Research Data Netherlands is an alliance between  4TU.Centre for Research Data, Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS) and SURFsara. With this coalition, which is also open to other parties, the three data archives join forces in the area of long-term data archiving.

Online and blended course 'Essentials4datasupport' and MOOC 'Delivering Research Data Management Services' (together with DCC)