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Title Body
DANS Data Game

DANS has developed a game especially for researchers: the DANS Data Game. The game gives an impression of the research data landscape and was specially produced for the 15th anniversary of DANS. The game can also be used in Trainings to engage researchers and start discussions. The game can be ordered online free of charge and will later also be available digitally. 

Personal Data Protection

This section includes information relevant to Personal Data Protection:

Licensing Practice

This section includes information on:

Copyright & Related rights

This section is an introduction to copyright notions and related rights:

University of Tübingen repository

The CLARIN repository at the University of Tübingen offers long-term preservation of digital resources, along with their descriptive metadata.

The mission of the repository is to ensure the availability and long-term preservation of resources, to preserve knowledge gained in research, to aid the transfer of knowledge into new contexts, and to integrate new methods and resources into university curricula.

The repository is part of the eScience infrastructure of the University of Tübingen, which is a core facility that strongly cooperates with the library and computing center of the university.

Integration of the repository into the national CLARIN-D and international CLARIN infrastructures gives it wide exposure, increasing the likelihood that the resources will be used and further developed beyond the lifetime of the projects in which they were developed.

Among the resources currently available in the Tübingen Center Repository, researchers can find widely used treebanks of German (e.g. TüBa-D/Z), the German wordnet (GermaNet), the first manually annotated digital treebank (Index Thomisticus), as well as descriptions of the tools used by the WebLicht ecosystem for natural language processing.

Tools for named entity recognition

This is a list of tools for named entity recognition that are available as part of the CLARIN Resource Families initiative.

Named entity recognition (NER) is an information extraction task which identifies mentions of various named entities in unstructured text and classifies them into predetermined categories, such as person names, organisations, locations, date/time, monetary values, and so forth. They can, for example, help with the classification of news content, content recommentations and search algorithms.

Tools for normalization

This is a list of tools for text normalization that are available as part of the CLARIN Resource Families initiative.

Text normalization is the process of transforming parts of a text into a single canonical form. It represents one of the key stages of linguistic processing for texts in which spelling variation abounds or deviates from the contemporary norm, such as in texts published in historical documents or on social media. After text normalization, standard tools for all further stages of text processing can be used. Another important advantage of text normalization is improved search which can be performed with querying a single, standard variant but takes into account all its spelling variants, be it historical, dialectal, colloquial or slang.


This is a list of wordlists that are available as part of the CLARIN Resource Families initiative.

Wordlists are lexical resources which only provide alphabetical or frequency-based lexical inventories. In the vast majority of the cases, the wordlists can be directly downloaded from CLARIN national repositories or queried through easy-to-use online search environments.


This is a list of glossaries that are available as part of the CLARIN Resource Families initiative.

Glossaries are specialised dictionaries that contain domain-specific terminology and/or expressions. In the vast majority of the cases, the glossaries can be directly downloaded from CLARIN national repositories or queried through easy-to-use online search environments.

Conceptual resources

This is a list of conceptual resources that are available as part of the CLARIN Resource Families initiative.

Concept-based resources include onomasiological lexical resources such as wordnets, framenets, thesauri and ontologies. Such resources are typically interlinked with semantic relations (e.g. hypernymy, hyponymy). In the vast majority of the cases, the conceptual resources can be directly downloaded from the national repositories or queried through easy-to-use online search environments.