The SSH Training Discovery Toolkit provides an inventory of training materials relevant for the Social Sciences and Humanities.

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Data creator

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Open Science and Research Results Exploitation: friends or foes?

This OpenAIRE and EOSC-hub webinar covers Horizon 2020 rules and good practices approaches to addressing issues about Open Data, Open Science and research results exploitation in Consortium Agreements and Data Management Plans. It also specifically covers the issues of concern between Open Science and exploitation (patents, spin offs/ outs, confidentiality), business planning and licensing strategies.


Manage, improve and open up your research and data

This module looks at emerging trends and best practice in data management, quality assessment and IPR issues. It looks at policies regarding data management and their implementation, particularly in the framework of a Research Infrastructure.

demos - Machine Learning for Artists
  • Webcam classifier
  • Trainable Camera
  • Play guitar with your webcam
  • Classification to speech
  • Draw with your nose using PoseNet
  • .....
Introduction to Research Infrastructures

This module allows to: understand the elements of common definitions of research infrastructures; be able to discuss the importance of issues such as sustainability and interoperability; understand how research infrastructure supports methods and communities; be aware of some common critiques of digital research infrastructures in the Humanities.

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SERISS Project

Synergies for Europe's Research Infrastructures in the Social Sciences (SERISS) is a four-year project that aims to strengthen and harmonise social science research across Europe. It brings together leading European Research Infrastructures in the social sciences - ESS, the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE ERIC) and Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA ERIC) - alongside organisations representing the Generations and Gender Programme (GGP), European Values Study (EVS) and the WageIndicator Survey.

Focused around three key themes – key challenges facing cross-national data collection, breaking down barriers between research infrastructures, and embracing the future of social sciences – SERISS will address issues relating to survey design and data collection, data management and curation from a collaborative, cross-national perspective. The project will better equip Europe’s social science data infrastructures to play a major role in addressing the key societal challenges facing Europe today and ensure that national and European policymaking is built on a solid base of the highest-quality socio-economic evidence.

SERISS has developed a suite of online tools, webinars and lectures to provide training on data management, data handling and harmonisation, as well as on statistical analysis to a wider social science community.  

FOSTER Open Sciences: Courses

FOSTER Plus (Fostering the practical implementation of Open Science in Horizon 2020 and beyond) is a 2-year, EU-funded project, carried out by 11 partners across 6 countries. The primary aim is to contribute to a real and lasting shift in the behaviour of European researchers to ensure that Open Science (OS) becomes the norm.

The FOSTER portal is an e-learning platform that brings together the best training resources addressed to those who need to know more about Open Science, or need to develop strategies and skills for implementing Open Science practices in their daily workflows. Here you will find a growing collection of training materials. Many different users - from early-career researchers, to data managers, librarians, research administrators, and graduate schools - can benefit from the portal. In order to meet their needs, the existing materials will be extended from basic to more advanced-level resources. In addition, discipline-specific resources will be created.

Journal of Open Source Education

The Journal of Open Source Education (JOSE) is a scholarly journal with a formal peer review process designed to improve the quality of the software or content submitted. Upon acceptance into JOSE, a CrossRef DOI is minted and we list your paper on the JOSE website.

CLARIN Knowledge Sharing

The aim of the CLARIN Knowledge Sharing Initiative is to ensure ensure that the available knowledge and expertise provided by CLARIN consortia does not exist as a fragmented collection of unconnected bits and pieces, but is made accessible in an organized way to the CLARIN community and to the Social Sciences and Humanities research community at large. 

One central step in building the Knowledge Sharing Infrastructure is the establishment of Knowledge Centres. Most existing CLARIN centres are able to get the status of a Knowledge Centre right away; the K-Centres rather formalize and centrally register the existing expertise but does usually not require much additional effort from an institute except that the knowledge-sharing services have to be reliable and their skope has to be made explicit on a dedicated web-page of the respective institute(s).

The list of CLARIN Knowledge Centres is available here:

CESSDA Data Management Expert Guide

The Data Management Expert Guide is designed by European experts from the CESSDA Training Working Group to help social science researchers make their research data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR).

The guide is written for social science researchers who are in an early stage of practising research data management. With this guide, CESSDA wants to contribute to professionalism in data management and increase the value of research data.

The guide leads through the research data lifecycle from planning, organising, documenting, processing, storing and protecting data to sharing and publishing them. Taking the whole roundtrip will take approximately 15 hours.

Particular specialties of the guide is a focus on European diversity (for example in data protection legislation, research ethics, research funder DMP requirements, etc), developing a Data Management Plan as you progress through the guide, and topical expert tips.


PARTHENOS stands for “Pooling Activities, Resources and Tools for Heritage E-research Networking, Optimization and Synergies”. PARTHENOS aimed at strengthening the cohesion of research in the broad sector of Linguistic Studies, Humanities, Cultural Heritage, History, Archaeology and related fields through a thematic cluster of European Research Infrastructures, integrating initiatives, e-infrastructures and other world-class infrastructures, and building bridges between different, although tightly, interrelated fields.

The PARTHENOS project has created a series of training modules and resources for researchers, educators, managers and policy makers who want to learn more about research infrastructures and the issues and methods around them. There are also materials for trainers available.